S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

MILK - Stacey Dash

I'll admit it, I am somewhat obsessed with Stacey Dash. Not so much for her as a person, her personal style leaves a lot to be desired in my eyes. But more so for what she represents, which is pure HOTNESS. The woman is 40 with two kids and doesn't look a day over 24. I like to think that as a mom of three, in my thirties, I am following in her footsteps, hotness wise, at least, lol! But that's really for you guys to judge. :) I came across pictures of her kids and ex husband, which I had never seen before, that I am posting below. I also put a few pics of her just doing what she does best, being HOT. Take a lookie!


The kiddies pictures are too sweet. Below is the Stacey that most of us are use to.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Georgina Goodman

Ever since I saw Georgina Goodmans "Love" shoe I've become a fan. They are soooo cute and I might just die if I don't have them!! Let me know if any of you would like to sponsor me, lol! Below are pics from her current collection. Take a lookie!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm back.....

I've been meaning to post forever. It just feels like every time I want to, the time just slips away from me. Anyhoo, I 'm posting now and will try and post pics to catch everyone up to where I am today. I just got back from DC, where I had an absolute blast. I ate at Ben Chili's bowl, which if you haven't eaten at, is an absolute must. I hung out at the new W, which like every other W is fantabulous. And got a chance to kick off Tigger's Celebrity Weekend with Big Tigger himself. Prior to that I went to a MC Hammer Concert..don't ask, lol. Saw Drizzy and attended a super fantubulous 21st birthday party, which basically fulfilled my dreams of being on super sweet sixteen. Take a lookie!

The venue

Below are a couple of pics from the 21st bday party for Ari:

The Drizzy concert: