S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out & About with the Kitten Club

Two Saturdays ago me, Lleya, Amy, and friends went out on the town and were so disappointed...though I must say that looking back at the pics it looks like we had a blast.
Take a Lookie;-)
the usual MP (Mirror Pic)....gotta make sure all is in tact lol
me and Lleya

me and Amy..... (side note)...me trying my new J-Lo pose... somebody slap me please lol

Lleya starts delegating when the sauce is heating up....." ladies drink up...its time to toast not pose"......lol

and I, as usual, become in love with everyone and everything when saucy...obviously something is hilarious to me at that moment.

Lleya and Brenda @XO's

me and Amy......SAUCED

Amy....Saucy yet Sexy lol

me and Rachel;-)

The Dam shot w/Lleya

The 1/2 Dam shot lol
............Ciao ;-)

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