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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Focus Tattoo with Jimmy & Johnny Hayden

Ahryn & I decided that instead of our usual Sat nite party festivities, we would go and get tattoos at Focus Tattoo. I know right..but this really wasn't a spur of the moment decision for either of us. I had this absolutely annoying circular thingy around my bellybutton that I wanted changed forever, and Ahryn wanted to get her Zodiac sign (Aries) tattooed on her. Pretty much anyone and everyone gets their tattoos done by them, from Lebron, to Mo Williams, to Ted Guinn, etc (shoutout to JD who basically said if Jimmy didn't do my coverup I should just kill myself, lol), and being that it was a Sat nite they were pretty busy. So we went, chilled out, changed our minds, chilled some more, watched a UFC fight (they just happened to be having a fight party), and finally sucked it up and got tatt'd. In the end we were both super happy with the results, take a lookie:
Lleya Fields
(Above pics Jimmy tattooing rap artist Stalley)

This is how my hair started at the beginning of the day...

By the time I got to the tattoo shop, it was a wrap, lol, (Yes I mirror pic, even in the tattoo shop, {insert embarrassed smiley face here} )

(AhrynT's perspective below)
Okay so here is where I step in on this post, and the only real reason that I am doing so is because I must put emphasis on how dramatic the portion of the night was while I deciding on this whole tattoo experience. First may I add that the whole reason that I went was because Lleya wanted to get her tattoo touched up on her stomach so I originally was just tagging along on this whole trip. Yet of course, I eventually got convinced to get a tat also and it seemed like such a good idea since I already had it in my mind what I wanted done for months prior. The dramatics came into play because when it actually came down to me getting this tattoo on my neck it was such a hard thing to just jump into. So after about 30 minutes of being completely indecisive, consulting with others on the phone and in the shop, and looking in the mirror 101 times...I finally got it, and I absolutely love it!!!
1.) Doing a quick check in the mirror to decide on placement of the tattoo 2.) Deciding what the tattoo was going to look like and getting it sketched and placed on my neck for trials 3.) After deciding to change the placement of my tattoo, I was ready to go....
Tattoo time!

The end result, and I am so happy because it turned out exactly the way that I wanted it;)
Thx John!!!

So while I got my tattoo Lleya was right by my side holding my hand all because I was so afraid, and when it came time for hers I definitely returned the favor. The fright was slowly creeping onto her as she prepared to get her tattoo by Jimmy. She told him what she wanted, he drew it up on her, and quickly got started....
.....below Jimmy is tatt'ing her stomach, the part you don't see is the intense grip she has on my hand lol.

....Lleya was patient the whole time, and got thru it like a soldier...and the end result was soooo cute.
( okay so that was my perspective on the night lol...AhrynT)

Ok, so can I just say that I think I litereally died on that table...I did not remember that much pain the first time, but then again the first tattoo was comparable to a scratch and this was a full on assualt, lmao. Thank God A had some constant rub thing she was doing on my hand to try and help me get through it bc I was definitely having a "pimp down" situation, lmao. However, alls well that ends well.. and my son (who took the pictures below) looked at it the next day and said "Sweeett", so that pretty much confirmed to me that I did the right thing. :)

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