I always feel bad when a celebrity is caught without their makeup. I can only imagine how horrifying that is to be right in the middle of breakout or just a really f'ed up day and to have your pic splashed on every blog site or celeb magazine. Last week it was Kerry Washington. I mean I have to admit I was like damn when I saw the picture. But acne or no acne home girl is still pretty as hell to me. Anyway I didn't want Kerry to be by herself in this craziness, so I found some other makeup less stars to keep her company. Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields




Naomi Campbell


Kim Kardashian

Alicia Silverstone

Jennifer Lopez

Jessica Biel

Jennifer Garner

Eva Longoria

Cameron Diaz

Pamela Anderson

Kate Moss
Horrifying to be caught without makeup? hahahahahahaha