Fri nite at Fortress I celebrated both DJ Steph Floss's bday and the grand opening of Next Tower City. It was definitely a memorable nite though some of those memories aren't the best look, lol. Case in point, there was some kind of melee in vip which ended up with a dude being cracked in the head by a bottle. As security drug the dude out by his arms, I swear he looks up at me (for what reason I don't know, lol, probably bc I was in view), head bleeding profusely from the open wound on it, and says and I quote "I still beat his ass though." Umm... dude, please don't repeat that to anyone else lol, bc the other dude would have to be dead for you to have won that fight, and he wasn't..smh. And we all know that he's prob tellin everyone that line today too #epicfail. Anyhoo, the fashion show rocked, with my girl Val, shimmying and shaking her way down the runway as the opener. And the models and the outfits were superdope. And of course Vashti was there looking her usual adorable self. Tons of pics, so take a lookie:
Lleya Fields
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