Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ciara - "Gimme Dat"
Monday, October 25, 2010
Cargo Skinny Obsession

All styles can be found at NEXT in Beachwood Mall 216.593.0029
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Kanye West-"Runaway"
After viewing Kanye West's most recent creation "Runaway", I have come to realize that he is truly an artistic genius. Much like a modern day Chopin, Kanye is changing the way that we look at music overall, by combining the essence of classical music with pop and hip hip. Not to mention the theatrics, which is much like watching a Dali painting in motion; thought provoking, and beautifully grotesque in every way. Below is the video for you viewing pleasure...Take a Lookie, and let me know what you think.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fashion Buyer Style Picks
Asymetric jumper with metal mesh shoulder strap.
You can find all these following styles at NEXT stores in Beachwood Mall 216.593.0029
Last of the Stephen Midgett Pics
Friday, October 22, 2010
More Obama Pictures
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Stephen Midgett is a genius....

I am the WORST model ever. I swear (and all of you can stop with the whatever face) that I get this stupid eye tick whenever someone with a professional camera comes anywhere near me. Now I can take pictures with Ahryn and of myself all day long, no pressure, lol...But whenever I actually have to pose for a professional, o jeez, it gets ugly really quickly. So when I work with a photographer that actually makes me look like a real model, then you know that person is a GENIUS at what they do. The genius this time would be Stephen Midgett. We shot for about 15 minutes and I have more pictures that I actually like than when I've shot for 2 what is that telling u? Between him and the makeup artist Jason Kelly I was in the best possible hands, and the pictures speak for themselves. He sent these few over to me last night and I am soooo excited that I am posting them immediately. Take a lookie!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
I got yelled at by the President....

Well sort of, lol. Yesterday I got the chance to meet/greet President Obama and First Lady Michelle when they arrived in Cleveland to show support for Gov. Ted Strickland. To say it was one of the coolest things that I have ever done would be an understatement. There was a group of about 15 of us that were allowed on the tarmac to personally get to speak with them as they exited off of Air Force 1. To give you an idea of how elite the group was, in front of my parents and I were the Mayor of Cleveland Frank Jackson, Congressman Louis Stokes and his aide, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and one of the most prestigious lawyers in Cleveland (sorry I forgot his name, nice man though). I don't even know who the people were behind us, but let's just say I'm sure they were pretty important to be there. And of course then there was us. lol. Thank God my parents are included as important people in Cleveland because I surely wouldn't have made the cut! We each got to talk to both the President and the First Lady individually, and other than Congressman Stokes and the Mayor (I think), I was the only other person she gave a hug to...sigh...They wouldn't let me take pictures on the tarmac (and I did not want to get taken down by Secret Service agents) but there was a white house photographer who was constantly snapping pictures as we spoke to them, so hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of that in the future. Getting back to why I was yelled at by the Pres. I spoke to him, told him I was great friends with Congressman G.K. Butterfield's daughter, yada yada, he listened, was polite and kept on moving. All business, lol. However, Michelle came over and my parents and I basically talked her to death, about among other things, how much we loved her, how great it was to see her, how I wanted my daughters to meet her (to which she said, let's make it happen :) ), and we kept going and she was sooo nice that she kept listening, and listening, until President Obama (who at this point had spoken to EVERYONE else in the line) came all the way back down to us, saying at the top of his voice, "Who is holding my wife up?"...Followed immediately after by "Ohhhh, it's you three!" Hilarious, though I"m sure it is a you had to be there thing for some of you, lol. Let's just say I had the best day and I owe it all to my parents, luv them! Take a lookie at a couple of the pics that I took on my blackberry.
Lleya Fields
Me before I left the house..I had thought about getting a presidential weave for the event but figured the Pres would prefer the more natural me, lol

Air Force 1 is huge..I don't why I thought it was a small jet..smh
My parents and I in front of Air Force 1
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Match Made in Heaven : Jimmy Choo & Uggs
