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Monday, October 25, 2010

Cargo Skinny Obsession

The "Houlihan" by J Brand
J Brand is one of my favorite jean companies, and after they launched the "Houlihan" cargo skinny pant it has become one of the biggest trends for this fall which will probably last up through Summer2011. While the Houlihan retails for around$200 smackeroos, I was able to find one for NEXT stores that only retails for $89....what a steal! Enyhooo below I have pics of the popular "Houlihan" vs. the "NEXT" Cargo skinny, as well as some really cool tops to put with this pant. Take a Lookie!!
Cargo Skinny @ NEXT stores

Lace top with split open back

Ripped cardigan sweater

All styles can be found at NEXT in Beachwood Mall 216.593.0029

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