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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ahryn Is A Paradox....

Max told me that last night. Which basically means that you cant really put a label on her. Just when you think she's one thing, she shows you something else. A is one of those outside of the box thinkers, that constantly impresses me with her creativity and ability to translate her thoughts into actual visuals that the rest of us can understand. With that said I got to see her in action at rehearsals for the Next fashion show yesterday. She was talking to tech guys, cuing music, picking outfits and directing models, all with typical Ahryn flair. She was like a one woman show..almost like Kimora, you know if Kimora, was 5'2, had never got married to Russell, and didn't have a ego...Ok, maybe not Kimora, but the point is she could be, lol. I was happy just to be there and assist, and of course take pics for the blog, lol. Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields

Getting the catwalk ready

Ahryn showing the models how it's done.

There's a lot of standing and waiting at these things...

And sitting and waiting...lol

After reherasals some of the models (very young models) allowed me to be the old broad in their crew and eat with them at Sushi Rock. The funniest part of the nite for me was when I got carded and they clapped, lol, wtf...

The funny thing is this could be me and my son..I swear Loren looks like him, and age wise I literally really could be..if I started around 13...ok, I'm officially depressed lol

And of course I ran into Dame :).

Super sneak peek below...Dont want to give too much away....

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