In case you're like what the hell happened to Lleya while she was typing, the title of the post is Latin, for I came, I saw, I conquered. In our case, we came, we saw, we partied, might be a little more suiting, lol, but you get the point. Last nite the party of choice was JJ and Booobie's party at Sushi Rock. There's sooo much I could say about the evening but I'll keep it short and sweet. We had the bestis table (thanks Dame)..central to everything and the people that everyone in the party came to see. And to keep it all the way 100, before JJ came on the floor (from a really ridiculous and secluded vip area), and was followed thereafter by Boobie and Keyshia, we pretty much held down that section. I don't know if the flashing lights at the table (just picture 7 girls all armed with cameras, lol), or the constant video footage that Ahryn is shooting (also with a bright light), or the fact that we're a table full of girls that are popping bottles (and digging face first into order after order of sushi) without the help of any men (though Merv did pop bottles with us too)...but let's just say that we garnered our own fair share of attention last nite...and not all of it was cool. We had random chicks drinking up Merv's Moet, smdh, and we had a dude or two post at the table and perpetrate like they had something to do with why we were standing on couches #fail. Anyhoo, other than those minor details the party was fab, blah blah blah, we had a great time, blah blah blah, lmao..but you can take a lookie for yourselves:
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