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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let's Move It!

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to participate in the Cleveland Clinic event called "Let's Move It'. Cleveland Clinic has joined forces with the Cleveland Browns, Cavs, and Indians to encourage people to stay active. Yesterdays event was held at Browns stadium and had fourth graders from ten different Cleveland and East Cleveland schools running around like actual football players. They were running out of the tunnel, doing drills, and catching footballs tossed to them by actual Browns players. The kids were soooo cute and sooo happy that I almost didn't mind standing in the cold cheering them on :). My aunt Karen (one of my absolute most favorite people), a Cleveland Clinic doctor, was the reason I was even there in the first place. She did the opening and closing speech at the event, as well as the warm up. Not to mention she actually got out there with the kids and did a few of those drills, and a cartwheel or two, lmao. You can find out more info at http://www.letsmoveit.org/. But for now take a lookie at the pics:
Lleya Fields

My Aunt Karen and Emily

Watchin from the sidelines

The kids doing their drills

Seneca Wallace

TJ Ward

I was sooo pumped to be on the football field..I kept tellin them to throw me a long one..no one listened, lol


All I can say is sleep deprivation is a muthafer....I need to catch up stat!

Not sure who this dude is.....smh

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