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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bright Lights, Big City

I've been going to New York every year without fail since I was nine years old and it never ever gets old to me. Everytime I go I'm as excited and in awe of the city, just like a person who is visiting for the first time. I still can't get over how many people are there, especially in Times Square. I mean 1:30am in NYC looks like 5pm in Cleveland...it's crazy. And when you have good weather, like we had this weekend, it makes visiting there even better.
I got to see my sister Natasha and her family, who live in Long Island. Tasha and I have been hanging tough in NYC for the last 20 years. I was with her when I witnessed by first robbery, smh, on the New York subway going to her house in Brooklyn. She took me to my first club at 14 (the Paladium), showed me my first college experience (she went to NYU), went with me to pick up tickets from Damon Dash to see Jay-z at the Apollo (4th row..another story in itself, lol), picked me up from the Tunnel (back when Funk master Flex was spinning on Sundays) when Erick Sermons protege/cousin/whatever she was to hims' car got towed..and I could keep goin and goin but then this post would never end, lmao. Let's just say no New York trip would be complete without seeing her..
My bestie Robin and her family drove all the way from Boston to see me (luv u Rah), my grandmother, aunt, and cuz from DC also drove up to see us...and I hooked up with my new friend Keely...To say I crammed a lot into 4 days would be an understatement. So take a lookie at the pics below:
Lleya Fields

My room at the Andaz was super nice...

My only complaint was the bathroom shower had no door...but it did have a foot spa...

The view from my balcony

My cousin Anya & Keely

Keely & I at Buddakan
At the Gansevoort
The rooftop at the Gansevoort

The promoter Arielle and Keely at Empire

Anya & I

The Empire crowd

In my room
Mirror Pic

My sister Natasha

Anya & her bestie Cassie

They say if you want to know what a girl will look like when she gets older then look at her mama..so fellas say hello to mine...just a fyi, she's 25 yrs old than me, do the math

Chanel Iman - ran into her at Koi, which is where we were Sat nite
Robyn and Herman
Classic Rah & I
It's only 1:00am..and we were on our way to our next destination!

Bye bye, New York! On the plane, goin back to Cleveland..I was soooo bored bc we sat on the runway for 2 hours, due to a mechanical problem...(nothin else to do but take pics, lol), we eventually had to switch planes.

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