Don't worry I'm not calling anybody out...though Ahryn and I do know a few people that need their cease and desist letters stat, lol. SALAB is just the lyrics from the Diplo, featuring Lil Jon song that Ahryn, Amy, Manajea, and I opened the Next fashion show with. If you were in Cleveland Friday night and weren't at the Next Fashion show, then I really don't know what the hell you were doing. The fashion show was amazing (so much so that every time I think about it I swear I hear Kanye singing in the background). And as Ahryn would say, it was so hot we were speaking in tongues,"FemmeFiyahHottness BossBammBeasty", lmao. The entire night was Ahryn's vision brought to life, and let's just say I was soooo proud of her. So SALAB and take a lookie:
Lleya Fields
Hey Melhia!!
Just for the record we were "femmebots" aka female robots
The next few pics are Amy, Ahryn, Manajea, and I opening up the Next Fashion show:
Sweet Baby Jesus! That last model is a doozy..lmao...
I have been told when I get really happy, I smile so hard, well..... I look.... ugly, lol...this is one of those moments! But I posted bc I still luv'd it!!
Melhia & Marcus (cue Eartha Kitt voice, lol)
Ahryn's Grandma was in the building...and checkin out the male models I might add, lololol
The next series of pictures are priceless:
The pictures below are from one of the professional photographers:
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