Style.com recently did an article on trends in Make-up, and there were a few looks I loved. Hopefully these will inspire some ideas amongst you ladies, I know they have for me.
Take a Lookie

The "Red Lipstick" look, keeping the makeup around the eyes and everywhere else to a minimum.

The "Smoke-Eyelid" look, with tinted lip and cheeks.

The "Kate Moss" look. This style of makeup is supposed to look as if you slept in your makeup, woke up, and left the house. Messy, yet magnificent.

The "Rocker-Eye" look, with heavy liner and eye shadow around entire eye with minimal make-up on the other areas of the face.
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I attempted that once....BAD look for me, *sheesh* works for some, lol
ReplyDeleteI agree and eventhough I love the way it looks, it doesn't always look good on me either. Just like fashion you have to know what makeup trends look good with your unique features. Not all looks look good on all people. Yet I do believe that most makeup looks can turn out great as long s you practice. Have you ever gone to a makeup artist and had them do your makeup, and afterward are amazed by the way they make you look. Well that's because they know what makeup styles look best with specific features, tone of skin, and color of eyes. A makeup book always is a great guide too.