So today I am not so happy about having to deal with the fact that my licence is going to be suspended....for the whole SUMMER;-((( So I decided to post this unfortunate situation atleast to try to influence some of you to not make the same STUPID mistakes. Please understand people that it doesn't matter how much you think you weren't in the wrong, that it wasn't truly your fault, or that you may be able to get out of a situation.... In most cases the law is the law and all fingers point to you when you are the main calpret. There are a few things that bother me out of this whole situation...
1.) it could have been avoided if I had of just made sure that I paid/had car insurance. Like my grandmother always said "take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves."
2.) that a freedom of mine has been taken away from me, and now I won't be able to kick it like I want during the summer;-((
3.) and most of all the crazy amount of money that was involved from this whole deal.
So my situation now just is what it is, and what a lesson it has been. So today I am running around dealing with this mess when I could have been doing something worthwhile. Well atleast I have something to post about.
But on a more positive note I feel great because I really like my hair. Ladies, always remember that when shit is hitting the fan do something that makes you feel good to keep you going. So today I did "feel- good" makeup and hair. So I can handle this suspension "ish".
~ Ahryn

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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