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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Local Celebrity: FreshBoy Steph

Local Celebrity is S&L's post all about the everyday local individual that has distinguished themselves around town as being an up&commer', mover&shaker, socialite, artist, fashion horse, or just really popular person. Here we delve into the lives of these individuals to see what exactly it is that makes them a "local celeb."
~S&L Staff

Name/Alias:Stephan Fitzpatrick
FreshBoySteph or Freshy

Whats your "Hype"? 
I am an Alternative/Hip hop artist as well as an aspiring film director/writer who also has a flare for fashion. So much that I plan on starting a line for a future release. I love hype as a form of expression and culture, however I tend to stay away from trends or as I like to call it, saturated "hype". I enjoy to set my own trends whether it be recording a track with a different pitch in my voice or by making simple modifications to my outfits. I believe that a person can stand out with out standing out. Small things like the way i wear my hat or the way i style my hair allows me to stand out from other people with similar taste. I have a "freestyle" approach to life. Do what works, and if it doesn't work, do it again till it works.

How would you explain your style?
 I say my style is a blend between street/urban and Euro culture. I'm from East Cleveland so in my younger years i was into the urban look, boots, baggy jeans, long clothing and baseball caps. however as I got of age and became advent in the fashion realm, i began to get into the Euro look and also vintage styles from the 80's. My influences in fashion are my grandfather and Prince. My grandfather was a jazz musician and had and still does have a very unique look. blazers, ascots, and tams are all popular pieces in his wardrobe, and since we have similar builds, I tend to play "dress up" for hours in his closet. I also get my creativity from him as well. Prince however is one of my most favorite artist ever and I also admired his no holds bars style. He was very risque in the 80s with what he wore and its because of his "I don't care what they think" attitude he was able to really express who he was as a person. I feed of off fearless individuals.

 What is you fav' hang spot?
 I am one of those people who never like to be in the same place too much. I tend to wonder off and explore the city. I often thrive to find unfamiliar places in Cleveland. I was recently introduced to the west side of Cleveland and all the art studios they have to offer there. I also enjoy visiting Coventry and downtown museums.

Where can people find/contact you?
I can be reached at many sources.....



  1. :)!!!! Love it! lol

    Ya'll aint Ready..

  3. One of the best out of our local circuit...KEEP IT UP FRESHY!!!!
