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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magic LV Feb 2011

My trip to Las Vegas last week for the MAGIC was AMAZING!! Amazingly productive, amazingly fun, and amazingly exhausting. Most think that going to buy clothes is a glamorously fun, and easy experience.Yet quite to the contrary it consists of long grueling days of looking at tons and tons of the same product, at different price points, while hoping your "fashion" instincts are right, and trying to stay within a budget...kind of have to experience it to know what I mean. The MAGIC trade show held at the Las Vegas Convention Center is just one of the tradeshows that showcases merchandise ( it is like 3 times as big as the IX center), with others such as Project and ENK that show in neighboring hotels. It is one of the largest trade shows held twice a year, where retailers go to buy products/merchandise for their company. Even though I wasn't able to capture all my great moments in LV below are a few ( vid and pics) that will give you at least a taste of what it was like thru my eyes...Take a Lookie!!

 Just arriving in Las Vegas for the MAGIC tradeshow

 In my appointment with Levis we toasted at exactly 5:01 and I soooo enjoyed that it was the very last appointment of the day because I (as well as a few others) more than just toasted....two champy bottles later I probably bought every single ladies Levis jean they offered lol.
 Loved some of the new dress styles for summer. I saw alot of prints, maxi dresses and skirts, bellbottoms and wide leg pants...primarily 70's looks.

 Loved these cute furry boots
 Bathroom break and the usual mirror pic lol
 The accessories I purchased are FIYAH!!!! Can't wait for them to land in the stores.
 Rings, Rings, and more Rings!!!!!!!

Me in the cab to and from MAGIC....Such an unimportant picture lol!!!

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