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Friday, February 25, 2011

Must Have Accessories @ NEXT

We just recieved the following rings at NEXT and they are soooooooo cute and only $18. Take a lookie;-)))

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 watch the quick vid of this ring.....I love that the parts move!!!


  1. Nice! I see the "three-finger" ring is back with some fresh, new looks. All those pieces should fly off the shelves! You've got a great eye Ahryn, NEXT is lucky to have you! Besos, M.

  2. Thanks Michael
    My fav are the plain gold bar and the finger hinge. Also I have a lookbook posting at 12p so def watch that one too;-))

  3. Was just in there and didn't see the rings :(!! I need the spiked one in my life, please have someone hold for me!!!!

  4. They will be there later today;-)) I took the pics strait from the warehouse lol so they havent been delivered yet... And actually that ring is at Tower City, but I'm here now so I will just bring it with me for you.

  5. Thanks girl! ur fashion sense is impeccable :)
