S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sorry I’ve been ghost yall a lot going on but here is something that has been holding my attention. “Laid Off But Not Laid Out” by Kimberly Kisner is a great self-help book that she has written for those who are looking for “Tips for surviving a layoff.” Kisner goes into detail on her experience of being laid off other tid bit include; how to grieve on the loss of a job, negotiating and the importance of a fall back plan. If you are going through being laid off or just in a lull of a job hunt this book is for you. Visit. www.laidoffbutnotlaidout.com to order you copy.

Bracelets: Cuffs

I, as most women are, am super into accessorizing. With bracelets being my absolute favorite accessory. I'm sure many of you would agree that if you don't have your bracelets on, you feel almost incomplete. Right now I'm super into cuffs. They are super dope and are soooo stylish. Take a lookie at some of my favs!
Lleya Fields

Friday, February 25, 2011

New @ Next: Cheap Monday and Ark & Co

This weeks feature of what's New @ NEXT  we have Cheap Monday and Ark & Co. I have been waiting since my buying trip to NY for Cheap Monday, after seeing all their harem pants, crop tops and highwaisted jeans. At all the tradeshows I've attended I have seen the crop top featured in just about every brand. In this video I am showing the many different ways that you can wear the crop top, because you dont always have to show your stomach to wear one. One noteable way to look amazing in a crop top is to wear it with a pair of highwaisted jeans. In this way you arent showing so much torso area which with lowrise jeans can make you look way to long. I am also equally excited to show the new Ark & Co dresses which are simply ADORABLE. Take a Lookie at the vid below, and come stop into NEXT if you see anything you like.

NEXT stores
Beachwood 216.593.0029
Tower City 216.664.1164
Coventry 216.320.9275

Must Have Accessories @ NEXT

We just recieved the following rings at NEXT and they are soooooooo cute and only $18. Take a lookie;-)))

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 (two separate rings....one gold and one silver)

 watch the quick vid of this ring.....I love that the parts move!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So you think you can pole dance?? Part 5

Wow, didn't think I'd be makin another video this soon... But class today was pretty dope. I pieced together a bunch of clips, hope u enjoy them!
Lleya Fields

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magic LV Feb 2011

My trip to Las Vegas last week for the MAGIC was AMAZING!! Amazingly productive, amazingly fun, and amazingly exhausting. Most think that going to buy clothes is a glamorously fun, and easy experience.Yet quite to the contrary it consists of long grueling days of looking at tons and tons of the same product, at different price points, while hoping your "fashion" instincts are right, and trying to stay within a budget...kind of have to experience it to know what I mean. The MAGIC trade show held at the Las Vegas Convention Center is just one of the tradeshows that showcases merchandise ( it is like 3 times as big as the IX center), with others such as Project and ENK that show in neighboring hotels. It is one of the largest trade shows held twice a year, where retailers go to buy products/merchandise for their company. Even though I wasn't able to capture all my great moments in LV below are a few ( vid and pics) that will give you at least a taste of what it was like thru my eyes...Take a Lookie!!

 Just arriving in Las Vegas for the MAGIC tradeshow

 In my appointment with Levis we toasted at exactly 5:01 and I soooo enjoyed that it was the very last appointment of the day because I (as well as a few others) more than just toasted....two champy bottles later I probably bought every single ladies Levis jean they offered lol.
 Loved some of the new dress styles for summer. I saw alot of prints, maxi dresses and skirts, bellbottoms and wide leg pants...primarily 70's looks.

 Loved these cute furry boots
 Bathroom break and the usual mirror pic lol
 The accessories I purchased are FIYAH!!!! Can't wait for them to land in the stores.
 Rings, Rings, and more Rings!!!!!!!

Me in the cab to and from MAGIC....Such an unimportant picture lol!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Allstar Weekend 2011: LA Style

I swear this shit is as fun as it looks.. that Drake quote sums up my LA Allstar experience. The pictures below do a great job of capturing a small part of the fun I had in LA. It was the most jam packed two days I've had in a long time but it was worth every tired moment of it! There's so much more I could say but I'll let the pics tell the story. Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields

At 6am on my wayyyy...

I literally had just woken up and was completely swollen due to that un Godly cabin pressure, I guess 5 hrs will do that u (kanye shrug) lol......

Hence, why I am in sunglasses for the next several pictures

I didn't even have a chance to go to my hotel room, I jumped off my plane and met up with the girlies!

And we never had a down moment.. :)

Much better.... thanks AJ!! Besos

On my way to meet V for the Player's Gala

Hotness..only missing Lesha! :(

I luv this pic of us.. :)

The place got crazy packed...

And then we had a few Westsideeee moments, thanks to Cube's performance lol

I thnk Ricky scared a few of my girls..lol, but he's harmless..I think

This is what I looked like when I went to sleep, YES I slept in all of that eye makeup...
And the next morning..Viola! AJ is a genius...

On my way to brunch at the Four Seasons, which is the best in the world

I heart my V..I always tell her anything fab I do in life, is somehow directly/indirectly related to her..well her and of course my parents

These beautiful bracelets are all made by my girl Danielle (she's in the pic above), she's super beautiful, super talented, and super sweet :)
Us after a lil retail therapy

And because of Valeisha & Dahntay, Alesha and I got to go to the game..we were soooooooo happy!!!
If you watched the game u know that Rihanna was the half time performer..can her and Drake be any cuter..
And of course Yeezy killed it

Then we went to dinner at my FAV restaurant in LA Katsuya. :)


And finally..damn..are y'all exhausted reading this?? Cause I was beat down.. we popped into Common's and Bron's party at Cabana.
I'm pretty sure I scared/disturbed the shit out of Common with my Lleya-razzi tendancies lmao!!!

On my way back to Cleveland..happy and tired as hell