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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

15 Things U Didn't Know About Me: Mervyn Jones Edition

My homeboy Merv and www.silkandlookies.com contributor is the newest person to do a 15 things post. Long over due I say! A lot of you know that Merv is the Great Stephanie Tubbs Jones one and only child, and he has done an excellent job of insuring that her legacy will live on :). You can find out more info about how he does that at www.stjfoundation.com. But if you know Merv personally, you also know that as big of a guy that he is, he has an even bigger heart. He's constantly making sure that everyone around him is ok..even if he hasn't known you that long. I'm glad to be able to call him a friend. Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields

15/16 Things:

1.) I love to cook and got accepted to culinary school

2.) I've spent a month in West Africa

3.) Will and grace may be in my top 5 shows

4.) I hate to take pictures

5.) I'm afraid of heights

6.) I'm a sneaker/ shoe fanatic

7.) I'm a Mac fiend

8.) I'm a fan of cigars (rocky patell)

9.) I love going to the movies by myself

10.) I had a tryout with the Browns

11.) I could wear timbs year round

12.) I'm a certified scuba diver

13.) My mother was a congress woman

14.) My father was a club owner

15.) My mom nicknamed me "Manchild", hence my license plates

16.) Member of the top 40 under 40 in Cleveland

You can check Merv in action below:

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