S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Breaking News!!!!!!!!

By now you already know that Ahryn and I did a AMAZING photo shoot with Stephen Midgett and Jason Kelly. But what most of you don't know is that S&L is about to under go a major overhaul. That's right we are getting a face lift (long overdue at this point), and Ahryn and I are soooo excited! Many of the pics that we took at that photo shoot will be central to the new look and feel of silkandlookies.com. Sooo unfortunately we can't show you too many of them :(. However, I got Ahryn to agree to unveiling the pic below. It was one of our absolute favorites! We also want to take this time to thank everyone that continues to support www.silkandlookies.com. There are sooo many of you that take the time out to read/look at pictures/ watch our videos, and we truly truly appreciate it. So stay tuned because we are growing and getting bigger and better every day. And if the cupcake movie was any indication, you shouldn't be disappointed, lol.
Lleya Fields & Ahryn Tolley


  1. Beautiful Pictures, Photography is art, still poetry, an expression translated differently by everyone that has a Brain. Great shoot Kudos Takashi

  2. Incredible! Ladies, these pics were looong overdue! Thank you for having the courage to take that next step an please believe that it's in the right direction. If this is any indicator, I can't wait to see the new look ...but I will. Love

  3. @Mikay-el Thank you so much!!! Is this MJH btw??? I hope you looked at this post earlier when we actaully had the "Duo Angel" up...which after 2 hrs we took off the blog until the actual launch. Anyway, I really really apprecite your support.
    Much Luv!!

  4. @Ted Thank u!! And ur right that's what we want u to do, draw ur own conclusion. @Mikay-el, awwww thanks! :)
