S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Arnold's Bday Party at Fortress

Well another weekend and other great party in Cleveland. This weekend it was club promoter and part Fortress owner Arnold Hines' birthday party. The weekend was extra special to me because my younger sister Charlene and her family came to stay with me and I actually got her to go out with me!! :) I was super duper happy and I think you can see it in the pictures. Another bright note was that Ahryn brought big hair back which I especially luv..though I have big hair jealously as mine won't/can't do that anymore..boo :(. All in all, a really nice time! And might I add that it was sooo amazing to hear soo many positive things from sooo many people about the blog. We truly appreciate your thoughts, comments, and feedback. Big hug to all you guys that are and have been supporting us! Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields

Dress: Torn by Ronny Kobo

Emilio Pucci Boots

My beautiful sis Charlene!!


The "man of the hour" Arnold Hines

Arnold's beautiful wife Taya

The bathroom pics got crazy..I swear it turned into a full fledge photo shoot, as we kept running into more and more people in there.

Georgia & Mai


Max "The Barber"


Izzy & Ant

Damian (lmao at the end of the Face video..sorry Dame, lololol)




Terry Travis

Stephen Midgett



The pics belows are pure comedy...us and any kind of prop = hilarious!!!


  1. great party. Lot's of love...you ladies are GORGEOUS :) Keep strong and keep fighting the fight.

    Mai Moore

  2. Thanks Mai sooooo much. Check back for the video of the party, and thx for the support!!
