Omg...let me start by saying that magical is one of my favorite terms...Though I use it very sparingly, and ONLY to describe something that is soooo amazing that it has to have some "Merlin" in it...This was one of those times. Our photo shoot was absolutely magical. Taking pics with Ahryn, was the most comfortable, natural, organic, effortless (u get the point) experience that I have ever had. And when you add Jason and Stephen Midgett to the equation, then abracadabra muthafuckers, lmao.( Ok, I may still be tipsy from the bottle of wine that A and I killed during the 3 hour shoot, lol.) This was the first thing (other than my house) that I have ever planned basically every detail for. And when I tell you that A was right when she says that you feel sooo fulfilled when you see your visualization manifested. I can not wait for you guys to see the actual photos, they are AMAZING (kanye singing, lol..I'm definitely tipsy..smh). But for now you guys can look at the behind the scenes photos. Take a lookie:
Lleya Fields

Gettin ready

"I think without makeup u still bad as hell", thanks Kanye lol

Ahryn trying on different shoes with her wings
Make up time
Voila :)
Swimsuit 1
Hilarious, but my fave pic of the day lol

Ahryn in her swimsuit 1, might I add that Ahryn is already beautiful but looked xtra gorgeous that day :)

This camera was sooo sexy..dont ask how a camera is sexy, lol..it just is

Ahryn and I truly are sisters..we're tryin to understand why she was given up for adoption, lol
Swimsuit 2
I heart Jason, he's the bestis!
Wings, check...
Ahryn in her swimsuit 2
Swimsuit 3

Hotness :)
Ahryn's pics from her iphone below:
The Arbor Mist shot....me and Lleya had to have a few drinks to take the edge off before the shoot. Yey we didnt have glasses to drink out of so we took it to the head the whole time (#notclassynotcutebutohf'gwell)
Thanks to the fabulous Jason Kelly my make-up turned out amazing
The best time ever!!!!...(well so far lol)
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