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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Big Show x Headnodz.fm

HEADNODZ.FM.... Is what I must say first and foremost so that there is a clear distinction of what this post is all about. On 1/1/11 a spotlight was placed on some of Cleveland's finest performers, thanks to brain child Stephen Wilson. Stephen Wilson is the mastermind behind "The Big Show" which was also the launch party for his website HEADNODZ.FM. As Stephen described to me, one day while just chilling in my living room, HEADNODZ.FM is "the" place for local talent to showcase their music online. Yet this site isn't just restricted to local talent, it is a place were you can find all types of music that will make your "head nod," as quoted by Stephen himself. I personally found the site very helpful to find that not so easy, underground music that often isn't put on iTunes or most music/ entertainment providers. With all of that said "The Big Show" was a big success so take a lookie at the pics below and the video recap (above)... and check out HEADNODZ.FM


 Kick Flip B & Dane Dolla
 Mac Saxton
 Hassan Williams- Booster's Brand (clothing)


  1. Wow! What a great write up. Sincerely made me smile in my heart.

  2. I'm glad it made your heart smile;-)))
