This year Max the Barber and I had dinner at Mallorca, and it was such a nice mellow way to bring in 2011. The night started off cool and simple with the usually getting dressed, primping in the mirror 101 times, and a dash to the door to make our 9:30pm reservations.... And might I add I was actually on time;-)) Well as soon as I got there I knew the night was going to be amazing for I saw the beautiful Frenchye Bush, and old friend Harlan Ash. Once we were seated we ordered drinks to start with mussels in garlic sauce as the appetizer, and twin stuffed lobster tails as the main course. So besides the the fact that the night was pretty much smooth sailing I must confess that the best part of the evening was the fact that we had a drunken waiter that was AMAZING!!!!! I mean he made bringing in the new year the best..... and most of the remainder of the night with him will remain quietly kept in my mind forever lol. Let's just say that a few drinks later a simple dinner ended up being like a scene from the godfather or something with the characters being me, Max the Barber, the drunken waiter and the whole Latin entourage of staff and owners. Anyway, Take a Lookie at the pics and vids below!!! ~AhrynT
On the way to Mallorca


Me & Max the Barber

Salad & Mussels... yummy!!

The usual mirror pics lol

Twin stuffed lobster tail...
Double yummy!!!!

Below is a really obnoxious video of me tipsy in the restaurant and in the car on the way home..... It is obviously me making a music video lmao..... ( I throw up, please someone smack me!!!!)
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