S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Good Angel Bad Angel": Behind the scenes video

In every females mind there gets to be a point where you imagine a "fantasy-you." That ultimate person that you see yourself being... reaching your highest points of beauty, sexiness, intelligence, wealth, the list goes on and on. Every year I watch the Victoria's Secret fashion show and sit there thinking "I wish that was me" on that stage, with that body and that hair and that makeup. I wish I was video taped and photographed so that I could later look at it and say.."is that me???" Well I have to say that I am not one of those females that just continues to sit on that couch and sulk in secretive admiration without in some way aspiring to be "that person".....I sometimes have to make a fantasy a reality, especially when it is completely obtainable. I honestly believe that every female should experience them self as their fullest "fantasy" person, even if its in private. I have to say that now I can look back at myself when I'm 80yrs old ( or really whenever) and say "I looked damn good then" and smile;-) Well with all that said, take a lookie at the video of me and Lleya's "Good Angel Bad Angel" photo shoot. Much thanks to Stephen Midgett (photographer), and Jason Kelly ( Make-Up Master).


  1. Lookin good! when does the shoot drop guys?

  2. Thanks Steph
    You will be one of the first people to know. They are going to be HOOOTTTTT!!!!! I really appreciate the support luv;-))
