Soooo US magazine has this feature that's called 25 things that you don't know about me, and they feature a different person in the entertainment industry every issue. They've covered a lot of people from Ellen Degenres (hilarious) to Miley Cyrus (party in the USA is on my Ipod in heavy rotation and I do know most of the words.). I thought it would be interesting for AC and I to do our own version, though I know some of you are like who gives a shit. Well we do, and more than likely if you're reading this you do too. But in all fairness I thought 25 was a bit too much of me for anyone to handle so I condensed the list. So below find 15 things that you may or may not care about me!
1.) I believe in ghosts, demons, the whole nine yards. So much so that I would never play that game where you say that woman's name in the bathroom mirror in the dark. ( I won't even type it)!
2.) I am super ocd. Meaning I take the phrase "a place for everything and everything in it's place" literally.
3.) I hated being an only child growing up. No one to blame anything on. However, now I love it! Can we say perks, perks, perks!
4.) Pink is my favorite color, but I only own a handful of pink items. I'd rather see it in on my daughter's.
5.) I cry at movies .. damn near every movie..especially Disney movies. Disney and their death scenes are too much for me, ie Simba's dad, Ray the lightening bug, get my drift?
6.) I am the biggest Beyonce stan, ever, but when I met her I did my best to play it cool, even though I was screaming on the inside.
7.) My favorite rapper was Tupac, hands down. Yes I know he had issues but that's why I liked him. That and the fact that other than Nas (and of course Treach body wise), rappers weren't the most handsome of men. I use to tell people I would marry him and was convinced that I would until he died.
8.) I'm honest, super honest, and I have to watch it that I don't hurt people's feelings. Because I hate when I'm mean and I think that anyone who is (including myself) is being unnecessary.
9.) The last time I was "drunk" was 7 years ago and it didn't end too well.. for me or the ground. Therefore I no longer drink to get drunk and I definitely don't do shots...especially when they're grape flavored....
10.) I couldn't accept the first and only internship I was ever offered because I got pregnant with my son and had to move back to Cleveland. It was at Dangerous studios in Atlanta. Better known as Too Short's studio.
11.) Speaking of Atlanta, when I lived there, I worked at Erick Sermon's rim shop. That place was legendary and I feel honored and privileged to have work there. Though I personally had never been around that many convicts in my life. And should be thankful as the only girl around all of those men that I left there safe and sound every night. That placed show me a lot... In particular that just because you had an album out didn't mean you actually had money. A lot of times the couch in our back room was the only bed some rappers had to sleep on. Maybe I'll blog about my ATL experiences one day...
12.) I wish I was famous but at the end of the day I'm glad that I'm not. I want all the benefits and the notoriety of a celebrity but none of the headaches.
13.) I say my prayers every night before I go to bed..on my knees, the whole nine yards.. and have so done so since I was a teenager. If I miss a night I have the worst guilt, so it doesn't happen too often.
14.) I just got carded... a month ago... at the movies... by a teenager.. He is my new best friend.
15.) I have a zillion ideas but I never see them through. I have a full movie in my head, two children's books, exclusive parties I want to throw...yada yada yada. Thank God AC got blog writer off of my list! Now if I could only write that screen play....
Lleya B! I love this one! I must say that the only things I didn't know were 14, 13, and #9. For the record I think you still secretly believe that you will marry Tupac!!! The funniest stories ever from CAU. LMAO