S&L Pages

Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm kinda busy..watching this damn video!!

OMG! I am such a fan for both of these ladies and I have no problem admitting it! If you've been on any celebrity site today, you already know the deal with these pics. But just in case you live under a rock I'll explain. These are the stills from the Telephone video shoot and the official video drops Thursday! The freaking video is 9 minutes long!!!! I don't know where you guys will be come Thurs at 11:30pm but my behind will be glued to my seat, eye balls bulging, watching every stinkin minute of it!
Hello hello!!

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