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Silk and Lookies is as scrumptious as Milk and Cookies.... Here you will get a taste of everything fun,fabulous,chic and sometimes dramatic through the eyes of a few interesting people. Enjoy!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thoughts in the Mind of A.C

So on this Saturday afternoon I am completely bored and lazy. I can't complain though because I love the fact that Saturday is the only day during the week where I can decide whether or not to do anything at all. Don't you just love days like that? It feels like during the week I am in some sort of race just trying to catch up, and with things that don't quite have any true contribution to me personally. So that's why Saturday has become my "Sanctuary Day", a day all about me.
Besides just having your "Sanctuary Day" I think it is important to find that "me place" in many different aspects of your life, especially as you get older. These little sanctuaries can be a person, place, or thing when you really think of it. It is anything that gives you that moment of personal freedom, excitement, inspiration, enlightenment, passion... All things positive. I try to incorporate at least one thing a day that gives me this feeling, but thank goodness for Saturday to get a whole day of it;-)
Below are 10 things that have become my "little sanctuaries"
1.) Tatum (my dog)
2.) "mood music" (whatever I'm into at any given moment/mood)
3.) aromatherapy
4.) getting in a jacuzzi/pool
5.) writing in journal
6.) sketching
7.) working out
8.) taking pictures
9.) being around (nice lol) animals
10.) silence/ alone time

Share with me some of yours.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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