Hoow You Doo'in??!!...lol.This evening I was able to catch a snippit of the Wendy Williams show (repeat) and I LMAO literally. I honestly want Wendy Williams to be my girlfriend in real life because that is exactly the way she makes me feel when I am watching her show. I feel like she is personally talking to me ALL THE TIME!!! Like I am getting some personal scoop, plus she is soooo girlie-sexy-fab in everyway. Well today she was talking about her fear of falling in public places and I almost DIED laughing... That is me alllllll day! Anytime I'm walking in high heels, down the stairs, or just simply infront of people I always invision myself falling horribly and being mortified lol. It's probably a good thing though cause I always start walking more carefully.....except for when I've had a few cocktails..then I just actually fall;-(. Anyway, I thought that I was the only one that thought about stupid-silly things like that until my girl Wendy showed me we were on the same page. While talking about this topic she showed a clip of a particular star/dancer that fell off a stage during a show he was participating in, and I have to admit it was damn funny "from the outskirts." Putting myself in his shoes though I felt bad for him because how embarrassing when your swag is at it's highest point, to then fall infront of tons of people. Please y'all if you ever see me falling in public atleast laugh after I'm gone....don't even help me, actually just act like it didn't even happen. (Joking, but not really)...Anyway you can catch the Wendy Williams show on BET weekdays at 10/9 ES.
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